HansaWorld Inc. Apps

Standard Gestione 7.2 7.2.743
HansaWorld Inc.
Software di contabilità facile per le piccoleimprese, da oggi in versione aggiornata. Il programma completocomprende Vendite, Acquisti, Libro Giornale, Magazzino, OrdiniAcquisto e Vendite, Preventivi, Multi-valuta e altre funzionalità.Tutti i moduli sono pienamente integrati tra loro e questo implicache le conseguenze di ogni operazione vengano gestiteautomaticamente. Ad esempio, dopo aver creato una fattura divendita merci, le vendite, le scritture del Libro Giornale e legiacenze del Magazzino, saranno aggiornate automaticamente.Il pacchetto base di Standard Gestione comprende le seguentifunzionalità:- anagrafica dei clienti;- gestione degli articoli e listini prezzo;- emissione delle fatture, fatture cassa, note di credito;- gestione automatica dell'IVA;- ritenuta d'acconto;- incassi e quietanze di pagamento;- modalità di pagamento;- scadenziario e stampa dei solleciti di pagamento;- diversi report con la funzione "drill-in" che permette diaccedere alle scritture direttamente dal report;- tante funzioni per facilitare il lavoro quali "drag & drop",emissione documenti in pdf, esportazione dati in formati .txt edExcel.Altre funzionalità (Magazzino, Acquisti, Multi-valuta, etc.) sonoacquistabili separatamente come in-apps dal registro Marketplaceall'interno del programma.Il servizio di supporto alla clientela è disponibile daiseguenti uffici HansaWorld: Cape Town, Dubai, Helsinki,Johannesburg, Lisbona, Londra, Miami, Milano, Mosca, Oslo,Stoccolma, Sydney, Tallinn, Varsavia e dal servizio fornito daipartners locali in tutto il mondo.Compatibile solo con versioni precedenti a Lollipop 5.0.Accounting software easyfor small businesses, now in updated version. The full programincludes sales, purchasing, Ledger, Inventory, Purchase Orders andSales, Quotes, Multi-currency and other features. All modules arefully integrated with each other and this implies that theconsequences of any transaction are handled automatically. Forexample, after creating an invoice for the sale of goods, thestore, the writings of the Ledger and the stocks of the warehouse,will be updated automatically.The basic package of Standard Management includes the followingfeatures:- Registry of clients;- Management of items and price lists;- Issuing invoices, cash invoices, credit notes;- Automatic management of VAT;- Withholding tax;- Payments and receipts of payment;- Method of payment;- Schedule and print payment reminders;- Various reports with "drill-in" that allows access to recordsdirectly from the report;- Lots of functions to facilitate the work such as "drag and drop",issuing documents in pdf, export data in formats txt and Excel.Other features (Warehouse, Purchasing, Multi-Currency, etc.) can bepurchased separately as in-apps from the Marketplace registerwithin the program.The service customer support is available from the followingoffices HansaWorld: Cape Town, Dubai, Helsinki, Johannesburg,Lisbon, London, Miami, Milan, Moscow, Oslo, Stockholm, Sydney,Tallinn, Warsaw and the service provided by local partners in allthe world.Only compatible with versions prior to 5.0 Lollipop.
Standard CRM 7.2 POL 7.2.722
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard CRM to idealne narzędzie wspomagająceorganizację zadań związanych z zarządzaniem relacjami z klientem.Wykorzystując aplikację usprawnisz codzienne czynności związane zesprzedażą, marketingiem czy obsługą klienta, co zwiększy wydajnośćpracy i zyskowność Twojej firmy. Zdobywaj nowych i obsługujistniejących klientów zarządzając informacjami za pomocą przyjaznejw obsłudze aplikacji.Rozwiązanie jest połączeniem dobrego designu i świetnejfunkcjonalności umożliwiającej zarządzanie pracą i analizę wynikówbez wiedzy eksperckiej. Zwiększ efektywność, korzystaj z danychgdziekolwiek jesteś.Korzystaj z modelu pay-as-you-go, który umożliwia najemdodatkowych funkcjonalności oprogramowania. Dodawaj lub redukujilość użytkowników, modułów i innych dostępnych funkcji. Konfigurujaplikację do własnych potrzeb wraz rozwojem Twojej firmy.Uruchom w kilka sekund i korzystaj już dziś.Podstawowe funkcjonalności aplikacji:* zarządzanie kontaktami* zarządzanie dokumentami* zarządzanie zadaniami* graficzny kalendarzPrzykładamy dużą wagę do ochrony prywatności i danych zgodnie zobowiązującymi przepisami.Prosimy odwiedź nasza stronę www, aby sprawdzić pełną listędodatkowych funkcjonalności.Należąc do grupy produktów Standard, Standard CRM jest dostępnyjako odrębne rozwiązanie jak również jest elementem składowymbardziej rozbudowanych aplikacji Standard oraz Enterprise.Standard CRM należy do grupy wielokrotnie nagradzanych produktówEnterprise firmy HansaWorld.Standard CRM POL jest dostępny w języku polskim i przystosowanymdla firm podlegających polskim przepisom prawnym.Pomoc jest dostępna w biurach HansaWorld w Warszawie iBydgoszczy.Pozostałe biura HansaWorld: Budapeszt, Buenos Aires, Dubaj,Helsinki, Kapsztad, Kijów, Lisbona, Mediolan, Miami, Moskwa,Nairobi, Oslo, Panama, Ryga, Singapur, Sztokholm, Sydney, Talin,Tegucigalpa, Wilno.Standard CRM is theperfect tool to assist the organization of tasks related to themanagement of customer relationships. Leveraging streamlineeveryday tasks associated with sales, marketing and customerservice, which will increase the productivity and profitability ofyour business. Collect new and existing customers operate inmanaging information using the easy-to-use application.The solution is a combination of good design and greatfunctionality in workflow management and analysis of the resultswithout expert knowledge. Increase efficiency, use of data whereveryou are.Use the model of pay-as-you-go, which allows you to hireadditional software functionality. Add or reduce the number ofusers, modules, and other features available. Configure theapplication to suit your needs with the development of yourbusiness.Run in a few seconds and enjoy today.The basic functionality of the application:* Contact management* Document Management* Task Management* Graphical calendarWe attach great importance to privacy and data protection inaccordance with applicable regulations.Please visit our website to see the full list of additionalfunctionality.As part of the product group Standard, Standard CRM is availableas a separate solution and is a component of more complexapplications Standard and Enterprise.Standard CRM belongs to a group of award-winning productscompany HansaWorld Enterprise.Standard CRM ENG is available in Polish and adapted forcompanies subject to the provisions of Polish law.Help is available in HansaWorld offices in Warsaw andBydgoszcz.Other HansaWorld office in Budapest, Buenos Aires, Dubai,Helsinki, Cape Town, Kiev, Lisbon, Milan, Miami, Moscow, Nairobi,Oslo, Panama, Riga, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Tallinn,Tegucigalpa, Vilnius.
Standard CRM 7.2 Arabic 7.2.722
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard CRM is the perfect way to organise,automate and synchronise all customer relationship managementactivities. You will increase both efficiency and profitability byimproving your company's daily routines. Simplify sales, marketing,customer service and technical support processes, saving you timeand money. Attract new and maintain existing clients, managinginformation in a positive and rewarding environment.The solution is a well-balanced mix of clean design and greatfunctionality that provides you with the essential tools to manageyour work and track the key metrics of your business without anyspecial knowledge. Stay connected and access all key data any time,anywhere. Add new contacts on the go and collaborate with otherteam members in a more productive way.Enjoy the benefits of our pay-as-you-go model that permitsrenting the software on a monthly basis. Add or reduce the numberof user accounts and modules to configure the app to your needs asyour business grows.We pay close attention to your privacy and data security incompliance with all applicable laws and regulations.Set up in seconds and start receiving your dividends today.Key features include:   •    Contact Management   •    Document Management   •    Graphical Calendars   •    Task ManagementPlease visit our website to see the full list of availableadd-ons.As part of the Standard range of products, Standard CRM byHansaWorld is available as a stand-alone solution or as a platformthat can be extended to include everything in the Standard andEnterprise ranges.Standard CRM is a member of the award-winning Enterprise familyof solutions from HansaWorld.Standard CRM is in UK English and intended for use by companiesoperating under UK law.Support is available from the HansaWorld office in London.Other HansaWorld offices: Budapest, Buenos Aires, Cape Town,Dubai, Helsinki, Kiev, Lisbon, Miami, Milan, Moscow, Nairobi, Oslo,Panama, Riga, Stockholm, Sydney, Tallinn, Tegucigalpa, Vilnius,Warsaw.This App is introduced with two languages Arabic
Standard Accounts 7.2 7.2.500
HansaWorld Inc.
Store customers and their contact details,theproducts and services you sell and their pricing, and thencreateinvoices with no fuss - including full support for sales tax.Standard Accounts will soon be easily extended to become afullaccounting package. From inside your Standard Accounts system,youwill be able to get a monthly subscription to any of a growinglistof add-ons that currently include all the accountingledgers.Standard Accounts is seamlessly upgradeable to EnterprisebyHansaWorld, a full integrated business platform thatprovidesEnterprise Resource Planning (ERP), CustomerRelationshipManagement (CRM), eCommerce and a long list of verticalmarketsolutions that include point of sales, manufacturing,hotels,restaurants, rental companies, repairs, professionalservices andnot for profit organisations. Enterprise is a highlyscalablesolution, running to many hundreds of users, and includingfullfunctionality on iPad.Other HansaWorld offices: Buenos Aires, Cape Town,Dubai,Helsinki, Lisbon, London, Miami, Milan, Moscow, Oslo, Panama,Riga,Stockholm, Sydney, Tallinn, Vilnius, Warsaw.Standard Accounts is a part of the award-winningEnterprisefamily of solutions from HansaWorld.
Standard Księga Podatkowa 7.2 7.2.722
HansaWorld Inc.
Rejestruj odbiorców, ich danekontaktowe,kataloguj oferowane produkty i usługi wraz z cenami,wystawiaj idrukuj faktury oraz prowadź podatkową księgę przychodówirozchodów.W dostępnym z aplikacji sklepie możesz aktywować dodatkowefunkcjeniezbędne w pracy Twojej firmy.Prosty w obsłudze i intuicyjny, pozwala nadodawaniefunkcjonalności w miarę potrzeb. Wraz z rozwojem firmymożesz łatwomigrować ze Standard Księga Podatkowa do Enterprise byHansaWorld,w pełni zintegrowanej platformy oferującej ERP, CRM,eCommerce orazwiele rozwiązań branżowych jak punkty sprzedaży,produkcja, hotel,restauracja, wynajem, czy serwis gwarancyjny.Enterprise to w pełniskalowalne rozwiązanie do setek użytkowników zdostępem do pełnejfunkcjonalności systemu z ipad.W chwili obecnej można nająć następującefunkcjonalnościdodatkowe:* księga sprzedaży - rejestracja zapłat, śledzenienależności,rejestr sprzedaży VAT* oferty - wystawianie i analiza ofert do odbiorców* zamówienia sprzedaży - rejestracja i analiza zamówieńododbiorców* zamówienia zakupu - rejestracja i analiza zamówieńdodostawców* magazyn - rejestracja wejść i wyjść towaru oraz ich stanunamagazynie* wiele magazynów - rozszerz możliwość pracy z magazynem dowielulokalizacji* księga zakupów - rejestracja wydatków, analiza zobowiązań,rejestrza zakupów VAT* kasa - dokumenty kasowe w tym wpłaty za faktury,raportkasowy* cenniki - definiowanie wielu cenników* wielowalutowość - wystawianie faktur,rozliczanie należnościizobowiązań oraz inne dokumenty w walutach obcych* formularze - edytor wyglądu wydruków dokumentów* wiele osób - możliwość logowania z wykorzystaniemróżnychloginów* serie numerów - definiowanie własnej numeracji dokumentówStandard Księga Podatkowa należy do grupywielokrotnienagradzanych produktów Enterprise firmy HansaWorld.Standard Księga Podatkowa jest dostępny w języku polskimiprzystosowanym dla firm podlegających polskimprzepisomprawnym.Pomoc jest dostępna w biurach HansaWorld w WarszawieiBydgoszczy.Pozostałe biura HansaWorld: Budapeszt, Buenos Aires,Dubaj,Helsinki, Kapsztad, Kijów, Lisbona, Mediolan, Miami,Moskwa,Nairobi, Oslo, Panama, Ryga, Singapur, Sztokholm, Sydney,Talin,Tegucigalpa, Wilno.Register recipients,theircontact details, catalogs offered products and services alongwithprices, expose and print invoices and keep tax revenue andexpenseledger.The available application store you can activateadditionalfunctions required for the work of your company.Easy to use and intuitive, allowing you to add functionalityasneeded. With the development of the company, you can easilymigratefrom Standard Tax Book for Enterprise by HansaWorld,fullyintegrated platform offering ERP, CRM, eCommerce, and manyindustrysolutions as points of sale, manufacturing, hotel,restaurant,rental, or warranty service. Enterprise is a fullyscalablesolution for hundreds of users with access to thefullfunctionality of the iPad.At the moment, you can hire the followingadditionalfunctionality: * Book sales - registration payments, tracking accountsreceivable,sales VAT register* Offer - issuing and analysis of bids to customers* Sales Order - registration and analysis of ordersfromcustomers* Purchase Orders - recording and analysis of orderstosuppliers* Magazine - recording inputs and outputs of goods and theirstatusin stock* Many magazines - extend the opportunity to work with thewarehouseto multiple locations* Book purchases - registration expenses, liabilitiesanalysis,register for VAT purchases* Cash - cash documents, including payments for invoices,cashreport* Pricing - Define multiple price lists* Multicurrency - invoicing, settlement of receivables andpayablesand other documents in foreign currencies* Forms - editor appearance copies of documents* A lot of people - the ability to login usingdifferentlogins* Series of numbers - defining their own document numberingStandard Tax Book belongs to a group of award-winningproductscompany HansaWorld Enterprise.Standard Tax Book is available in Polish and adaptedforcompanies subject to the provisions of Polish law.Help is available in HansaWorld offices in WarsawandBydgoszcz.Other HansaWorld office in Budapest, Buenos Aires,Dubai,Helsinki, Cape Town, Kiev, Lisbon, Milan, Miami, Moscow,Nairobi,Oslo, Panama, Riga, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney,Tallinn,Tegucigalpa, Vilnius.
Standard Biznes 7.2 7.2.722
HansaWorld Inc.
W pakiecie startowym aplikacjapozwalarejestrować odbiorców, ich dane kontaktowe, katalogowaćoferowaneprodukty i usługi wraz z cenami, wystawiać i drukowaćfaktury.Możesz rozszerzać funkcje systemu poprzez ich subskrypcjęwdostępnym z aplikacji sklepie. Lista opcji stale rośnie. Wchwiliobecnej można nająć następujące funkcjonalnościdodatkowe:* księga sprzedaży - rejestracja zapłat i śledzenienależności* oferty - wystawianie i analiza ofert do odbiorców* zamówienia sprzedaży - rejestracja i analiza zamówieńododbiorców* zamówienia zakupu - rejestracja i analiza zamówieńdodostawców* magazyn - rejestruj wejścia i wyjścia towaru oraz ich stannamagazynie* wiele magazynów - rozszerz możliwość pracy z magazynem dowielulokalizacji* księga zakupów - rejestracja wydatków, analiza zobowiązań* księga główna - rejestry VAT, pełna księgowość* kasa - dokumenty kasowe w tym wpłaty za faktury,raportkasowy* analityka obiektowa - definiowanie miejscpowstawaniakosztów/przychodów i analizy* cenniki - definiowanie wielu cenników* wielowalutowość - wystawianie faktur i rozliczanie należnościizobowiązań w walutach obcych* formularze - edytor wyglądu wydruków* wiele osób - możliwość logowania z wykorzystaniemróżnychloginów* serie numerów - definiuj numerację dokumentówW miarę rozwoju firmy możesz łatwo migrować ze Standard BiznesdoEnterprise by HansaWorld, w pełni zintegrowanej platformyoferującejERP, CRM, eCommerce oraz wiele rozwiązań branżowych jakpunktysprzedaży, produkcja, hotel, restauracja, wynajem, czyserwisgwarancyjny. Enterprise to w pełni skalowalne rozwiązanie dosetekużytkowników z dostępem do pełnej funkcjonalności systemuzipad.Pomoc jest dostępna w biurach HansaWorld w WarszawieiBydgoszczy.Pozostałe biura HansaWorld: Buenos Aires, Dubaj,Helsinki,Kapsztad, Lisbona, Londyn, Mediolan, Miami, Moskwa, Oslo,Panama,Ryga, Sztokholm, Sydney, Talin, Wilno.Standard Biznes należy do grupy wielokrotnie nagradzanychproduktówEnterprise firmy Hansaworld.The packagestartupapplication allows you to record the recipients, theircontactdetails, cataloging its products and services along withprices,display and print invoices.You can expand the functions of the system throughtheirsubscription in the available application store. The listofoptions continues to grow. At the moment, you can hirethefollowing additional functionality: * Book sales - registration and tracking payments receivable* Offer - issuing and analysis of bids to customers* Sales Order - registration and analysis of ordersfromcustomers* Purchase Orders - recording and analysis of orderstosuppliers* Magazine - register the entry and exit of goods and theirstatusin stock* Many magazines - extend the opportunity to work with thewarehouseto multiple locations* Book purchases - registration expenses, liabilitiesanalysis* Ledger - VAT registers, full accounting* Cash - cash documents, including payments for invoices,cashreport* Object-analyst - definition of cost / revenue and analysis* Pricing - Define multiple price lists* Multicurrency - invoicing and settlement of receivablesandliabilities in foreign currencies* Forms - print design editor* A lot of people - the ability to login usingdifferentlogins* Series of numbers - define the numbering of documentsAs your business grows, you can easily migrate fromBusinessStandard to Enterprise by HansaWorld, fully integratedplatformoffering ERP, CRM, eCommerce, and many industry solutionsas pointsof sale, manufacturing, hotel, restaurant, rental, orwarrantyservice. Enterprise is a fully scalable solution forhundreds ofusers with access to the full functionality of theiPad.Help is available in HansaWorld offices in WarsawandBydgoszcz.Other office HansaWorld Buenos Aires, Dubai, Helsinki, CapeTown,Lisbon, London, Milan, Miami, Moscow, Oslo, Norway, Panama,Riga,Stockholm, Sydney, Tallinn, Vilnius.Standard Business belongs to a group of award-winningproductscompany HansaWorld Enterprise.
Standard Wydatki 7.2 7.2.722
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard Wydatki to proste wobsłudzerozwiązanie umożliwiające kontrolę rozliczeń z pracownikamiw tym:• wprowadzenie wydatków/rozliczeń delegacji• rejestrację wypłaconych zaliczek• proste raportySystem umożliwia tworzenie własnych wydrukówwydatków/rozliczeńdelegacji włącznie z możliwością umieszczeniawłasnego logofirmy.W chwili obecnej można nająć następującefunkcjonalnościdodatkowe:* wielowalutowość - wystawianie faktur,rozliczanie należnościizobowiązań oraz inne dokumenty w walutach obcych* edytor wydruków - edytor wyglądu wydruków dokumentów* wiele osób - możliwość logowania z wykorzystaniemróżnychloginów* serie numerów - definiowanie własnej numeracji dokumentówProsty w obsłudze i intuicyjny, pozwala na dodawaniefunkcjonalnościw miarę potrzeb. Wraz z rozwojem potrzeb firmymożesz łatwo migrowaćze Standard Wydatki do Enterprise byHansaWorld, w pełnizintegrowanej platformy oferującej ERP, CRM,eCommerce oraz wielerozwiązań branżowych jak punkty sprzedaży,produkcja, hotel,restauracja, wynajem, czy serwis gwarancyjny.Enterprise to w pełniskalowalne rozwiązanie do setek użytkownikówz dostępem do pełnejfunkcjonalności systemu z ipad.Standard Wydatki należy do grupy wielokrotnienagradzanychproduktów Enterprise firmy HansaWorld.Standard Wydatki jest dostępny w języku polskim iprzystosowanymdla firm podlegających polskim przepisom prawnym.Pomoc jest dostępna w biurach HansaWorld w WarszawieiBydgoszczy.Pozostałe biura HansaWorld: Budapeszt, Buenos Aires,Dubaj,Helsinki, Kapsztad, Kijów, Lisbona, Mediolan, Miami,Moskwa,Nairobi, Oslo, Panama, Ryga, Singapur, Sztokholm, Sydney,Talin,Tegucigalpa, Wilno.Standard expenditure isasimple-to-use solution to control settlements withemployeesincluding:• the introduction of expense / settlement delegation• registration of advances paid• simple reportsThe system allows you to create your own prints expense/settlement delegation including the ability to place yourcompanylogo.At the moment, you can hire the followingadditionalfunctionality:* Multicurrency - invoicing, settlement of receivablesandpayables and other documents in foreign currencies* Editor prints - prints documents editor appearance* A lot of people - the ability to login usingdifferentlogins* Series of numbers - defining their own document numberingEasy to use and intuitive, allowing you to add functionalityasneeded. With the development of the company's needs, you caneasilymigrate from Standard to Enterprise Expenditure byHansaWorld,fully integrated platform offering ERP, CRM, eCommerce,and manyindustry solutions as points of sale, manufacturing,hotel,restaurant, rental, or warranty service. Enterprise is afullyscalable solution for hundreds of users with access to thefullfunctionality of the iPad.Standard expenditure belongs to a group of award-winningproductscompany HansaWorld Enterprise.Standard expenditure is available in Polish and adaptedforcompanies subject to the provisions of Polish law.Help is available in HansaWorld offices in WarsawandBydgoszcz.Other HansaWorld office in Budapest, Buenos Aires,Dubai,Helsinki, Cape Town, Kiev, Lisbon, Milan, Miami, Moscow,Nairobi,Oslo, Panama, Riga, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney,Tallinn,Tegucigalpa, Vilnius.
Standard Accounts MENA 8.5.2035
HansaWorld Inc.
A powerful modern tool for fast invoice management, easybookkeeping, and extensive reporting giving you the flexibility towork on the go from a phone, tablet or computer. An invoicing,reporting and bookkeeping app to serve your current and futurebusiness needs. Quick to setup. Easy to use. No time limits.Unlimited transactions. Download now. Experience the future today.Standard Accounts offers broad functionality for any business andindustry. Advantages: • Mobile – get a real-time overview of yourinvoicing and accounts from any device. Create an invoice and makepayments on the go.
 • Control your costs – expand or scale down atany time. Whether you need additional accounting and billingfeatures, an automated General Ledger, reminders to follow up onquotations and payments, or any in the wide range of options – addand remove functionality at your pace.
 • Multi-Currency
 •Updates, data storage and support – information is securely stored.
 • Drill Down – from General Ledger to an individual invoice,stock items, sales orders, customer details, and more; everythingyou need at your fingertips.
 • Bilingual English-Arabic UserInterface.
 Access bookkeeping, stock, finances, purchase records,CRM and more from one, easy to use application. Continuousinnovation makes Standard Accounts the best choice to accommodateyour business and accounting needs. Free Functionality: • AccountsPayable: Track the status of your payables and make payments.
 •Accounts Receivable: Create invoices and record receipts whiletracking the billing status of your receivables and balances due.
• General Ledger: Record all of your transactions. Balance Sheet,Trial Balance, Tax, Profit and Loss Reports.
 Premiumfunctionality: • Automated Accounting
 • CRM
 • Quotations
 • SalesOrders
 • Purchase Orders
 • Inventory / Stock 
 • Sales Tax / VATZones
 • Price Lists
 • Account Reconciliation
 • Point of Sale(POS)
 • And many more …
 Training and Support Free access to videotutorials, comprehensive manuals and support forums. AboutDeveloper HansaWorld is a leading software house providing a fullsuite of Enterprise Resource Planning and CRM products thatdelivers the flexibility required by today’s businesses.
Standard CRM ITA 7.2 7.2.743
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard CRM è il perfetto modo diorganizzare,automatizzare e sincronizzare tutte le vostre attivitàdi gestionedelle relazioni con i clienti. Avrete modo diincrementarel'efficienza e la profittabilità attraverso ilmiglioramento deiprocessi giornalieri della vostra società.Semplificate vendite,marketing, servizi per il cliente e processidi supporto tecnico,facendovi risparmiare tempo e denaro. Attraetenuovi clienti emantenete quelli esistenti, gestendo leinformazioni in un ambientepositivo e soddisfacente.Un mix bilanciato tra design lineare e grandi funzionalitàcheforniscono strumenti essenziali per gestire il vostro lavoroetracciare le metriche chiave del vostro business senzaalcunaconoscenza speciale.Rimanete connessi ed accedete a tutti i dati chiave inqualsiasimomento e luogo. Aggiungete nuovi contatti e collaboratecon altricolleghi in modo più produttivo.Godetevi i benefici del modello paga quanto consumi. Talemodellovi permette di noleggiare il software su una basemensile.Aggiungete o riducete il numero di utenti e moduli perconfigurarel'app di vostra necessità, a seconda di come i vostribusinesscrescono.Infine, prestiamo molta attenzione alla vostra privacy eallasicurezza dei dati in conformità all'applicazione della legge edeiregolamenti.Impostate ora ed in pochi secondi, iniziando così adusufruiredei vantaggi.Le funzioni chiave includono:• Gestione contatti• Gestione documenti• Calendari grafici• Gestione compitiStandard CRM è in italiano e si presta ad esser utilizzatodasocietà che operano nel rispetto della legge italiana.Il servizio di supporto alla clientela è disponibile daiseguentiuffici HansaWorld: Cape Town, Dubai, Helsinki,Johannesburg,Lisbona, Londra, Miami, Mosca, Oslo, Stoccolma,Sydney, Tallinn,Vilnius, Varsavia, e dai partner locali situatinel resto delmondo.Standard CRM istheperfect way to organize, automate and synchronize allyouractivities of managing relationships with customers. Youwillincrease efficiency and profitability through processimprovementdaily of your company. Simplified sales, marketing,customerservices and technical support processes, saving you timeandmoney. You attract new customers and keep existing ones,managingthe information in a positive and satisfying.A balanced mix of sleek design and great features thatprovideessential tools for managing your work and track key metricsofyour business without any special knowledge.Stay connected and access to all key data at any time and place.Addnew contacts and collaborate with other colleagues in themostproductive way.Enjoy the benefits of the model pay for what you consume.Thismodel allows you to rent the software on a monthly basis. Addorreduce the number of users and modules to configure the app toyourneeds, depending on how your business grow.Finally, we pay much attention to your privacy and datasecurityin accordance with the application of the law andregulations.Enter now and in a few seconds, thus beginning to enjoythebenefits.Key features include:• Contact management• Document Management• Calendars graphics• Management tasksStandard CRM is in Italian and is suitable to be usedbycompanies that operate in compliance with Italian law.The service customer support is available from thefollowingoffices HansaWorld: Cape Town, Dubai, Helsinki,Johannesburg,Lisbon, London, Miami, Moscow, Oslo, Stockholm,Sydney, Tallinn,Vilnius, Warsaw, and local partners in the rest ofworld.
Standard CRM 7.2 7.2.730
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard CRM verwaltet und steuertIhreKundenbeziehungsprozesse einfach und inuitiv! Legen SieKontakte anund verarbeiten deren Aktivitäten, planen Sie Termineund Aufgabenim Kalender, gruppieren Sie Aktivitäten und erstellendarauszusammenführende Berichte. Ebenso können Sie weitere Module,z. B.Angebotserstellung, durch eine geringfügige monatlicheGebührerwerben.Intuitiv zu benutzen - Folgende Funktionen sind einfach,transparentund kostenlos: Kontakte erstellen und Aktivitätenplanen,Wiedervorlagen erstellen, Termine und Aktivitäten imgrafischenKalender hinterlegen, Tages- und Aufgabenplanung imAufgaben Managersowie Berichtserstellung.Mobil und Cross-Plattform - Bleiben Sie verbunden und gebenDatenjederzeit und überall ein. Fügen Sie Kontakte aus demStehgreifhinzu und arbeiten mit Kollegen zusammen.Preiswert - Geniessen Sie die Vorteile des'pay-as-you-go'Moduls, bei dem Sie für eine geringe monatlicheGebühr weitereModule dazu mieten können. Des Weiteren legen Sie jenach Bedarffest, wie viele Benutzer Sie benötigen oder nichtmehr.Optionale Extras, die Sie als InApp monatlichhinzubuchenkönnen:AnalyseKunden DashboardsWissenmanagementAngebote/Pipeline ManagementTerminplanungSkype IntegrationWorkflowStandard CRM andmanageyour customer relationship processes and controls easyinuitiv!Insert contacts and process their activities,scheduleappointments, and tasks in the calendar, group activitiesand youcreate it together leading reports. You can alsopurchaseadditional modules, eg. B. quoting, through a smallmonthlyfee.Intuitive to use - The following features are simple,transparentand free: Contacts and plan activities, createreminders,appointments and activities in graphical calendar store,day andtask planning tasks manager and reporting.Mobile and Cross-Platform - stay connected and enterdataanytime, anywhere. Add contacts off the cuff add and workwithcolleagues.Inexpensive - Enjoy where you can take advantage ofthe'pay-as-you-go' module, for a small monthly fee to rentadditionalmodules. In addition, you can specify as needed, how manyusers youneed or not.Optional extras you can also book as InApp month:AnalysisCustomer DashboardsKnowledge ManagementOffers / Pipeline ManagementSchedulingSkype integrationWorkflow
Standard ERP 8.5.453
HansaWorld Inc.
Connect to and access the full functionality of your liveStandardERP server from anywhere, on any device, using the StandardERPclient mobile app. • Manage your business on the go. •Getnotifications, follow up on opportunities, orders, invoicesandmuch more while you are on the move. • Access your business onthego. • Create invoices, make payments, and monitor approvalsfromanywhere. • Create, read and respond to Email. • Login withyouruser credentials for the same level of access you have fromyourdesktop or laptop. Note: In order to use this app you must havethelocation / name of your Standard ERP server and a validusernameand password. Standard ERP offers intuitive EnterpriseResourceplanning suite of modules including accounts, orderprocessing,stock, manufacturing and job costing. It offers a rangeof ContactRelationship Management modules all in the sameapplication.Standard ERP is able to deliver an elegant level ofintegrationbetween its component elements. It also provides aseries ofmodules designed for specific industries, all with thesame ease ofintegration. Standard ERP is an insightful, seamlessapplicationsuite with the lowest cost of ownership Support As aHansaWorldcustomer you will have access to video tutorials,comprehensivemanuals and support forums in addition to the trainingand supportprogram. About HansaWorld As recognized innovators forover 25years, HansaWorld shows continued technological leadershipin theinternational business software industry. More than550,000companies trust us with their business critical information.MoreInformation Find out more about HansaWorld – www.hansaworld.com
Standard Accounts Invoicing 8.5.465
HansaWorld Inc.
A powerful modern tool for fast invoice management,easybookkeeping, and extensive reporting giving you the flexibilitytowork on the go from a phone, tablet or computer. Aninvoicing,reporting and bookkeeping app to serve your current andfuturebusiness needs. Quick to setup. Easy to use. No timelimits.Unlimited transactions. Download now. Experience the futuretoday.Standard Accounts offers broad functionality for any businessandindustry. Advantages: • Mobile – get a real-time overview ofyourinvoicing and accounts from any device. Create an invoice andmakepayments on the go.
 • Control your costs – expand or scaledown atany time. Whether you need additional accounting andbillingfeatures, an automated General Ledger, reminders to followup onquotations and payments, or any in the wide range of options –addand remove functionality at your pace.
 • Multi-LanguageandMulti-Currency
 • Updates, data storage and support –informationis securely stored. 
 • Drill Down – from General Ledgerto anindividual invoice, stock items, sales orders, customerdetails,and more; everything you need at your fingertips.
Accessbookkeeping, stock, finances, purchase records, CRM and morefromone, easy to use application. Continuous innovation makesStandardAccounts the best choice to accommodate your businessandaccounting needs. Free Functionality: • Accounts Payable: Trackthestatus of your payables and make payments.
 • AccountsReceivable:Create invoices and record receipts while tracking thebillingstatus of your receivables and balances due.
 • GeneralLedger:Record all of your transactions. Balance Sheet, TrialBalance, Tax,Profit and Loss Reports.
 Premium functionality: •AutomatedAccounting
 • CRM
 • Quotations
 • Sales Orders
 •Purchase Orders
• Inventory / Stock 
 • Sales Tax / VAT Zones
 •Price Lists
 •Account Reconciliation
 • Point of Sale (POS)
 • Andmany more …
Training and Support Free access to video tutorials,comprehensivemanuals and support forums. About Developer HansaWorldis a leadingsoftware house providing a full suite of EnterpriseResourcePlanning and CRM products that delivers the flexibilityrequired bytoday’s businesses.
Standard CRM – Customer Relationship Management 8.5.467
HansaWorld Inc.
A powerful business tool to assist with your customer serviceandturn interactions into lasting relationships. Quick to setup.Easyto use. No time limits. Download now. Experience thefuture.Standard CRM is a modern app for efficient customer andtaskmanagement, quick contact overview, reporting andquotationcreation, offering broad functionality for any businessandindustry. Enjoy the flexibility to work on the go using amobilephone, tablet or laptop. Advantages: • Mobile - areal-timeoverview of your customers, leads, and sales. Create aquotationand manage your tasks and calendar on the go by accessingyour datafrom anywhere. • Control Your Costs - expand or scaledownfunctionality at any time. • Multi-Language and Multi-Currency.•Updates, data storage and support - information is securelystored.• Integrated - task manager, calendar, sales workflow,contacts andleads all in one easy to use application. • Drill Down– easilynavigate comprehensive reports. Track customer activity andsalesstatistics with interactive reports. • Data SecurityCompliant. •Continuous development from customers’ feedback.FreeFunctionality: • Contact Manager • Graphical Calendar •TaskManager Premium Functionality: • Quotations • Personaliseddocumentforms • Number Series • Price Lists • Send Email • AccessGroups •Communication Centre • Workflow Overview Training andSupport Freeaccess to video tutorials, comprehensive manuals andsupportforums. About Developer HansaWorld is a leading softwarehouseproviding a full suite of Enterprise Resource Planning andCRMproducts that delivers the flexibility required bytoday’sbusinesses.
Standard Apskaita - Patikima Buhalterinė Programa 8.4.1204
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard Apskaita – šiuolaikiška buhalterinė programa,skirtadinamiškam verslui. Programą lengva įdiegti ir paprastanaudotis.Nėra jokių laiko ar operacijų skaičus ribojimų. Sukurtapadėtiįveikti ateities iššūkius! Standard Apskaita padėsjumssusitvarkyti su kasdieninėmis buhalterinės apskaitosužduotimis.Įdiekite programą Standard Apskaita, įveskite įmonėsduomenis irjūsų apskaitos programa paruošta darbui. Rašykitesąskaitasfaktūras, kurkite Didžiosios knygos operacijas ir sekiteįmonėsveiklos rezultatus pasinaudodami išsamiomis ataskaitomis.StandardApskaita yra pritaikyta Lietuvos mokesčų administravimui,įskaitantnaujos VMI sistemos i.MAS reikalavimus. i.SAF aktyvuojamasužsakiusAutomatinių DK operacijų funkcionalumą, o i.VAZ - Sandėliomodulį.Privalumai: Mobilumas - formuokite ataskaitas realiu laikuirpasiekite kitą savo verslo informaciją iš bet kuriomobilausįrenginio. Išrašykite faktūras ir atlikite mokėjimus, kadir kurbebūtumėte. Valdykite išlaidas programinei įrangai -didinkite armažinkite programos funkcionalumą pagal jūsų poreikiusir mokėkitetik už tai, ką iš tikrųjų naudojate. Kalbų gausa irMulti Valiuta -atlikite operacijas ir išrašykite faktūras klientamsuž jūsų šaliesribų, įvairiomis kalbomis. Nemokamas talpinimasdebesyje - duomenųsaugumo garantas bei visuomet naujausia programosversija.Interaktyvios ataskaitos, leidžiančos atsidarytipirminiusdokumentus tiesiai iš ataskaitos lango. Greitai pasiekitefaktūras,sandėlio prekes, pardavimų užsakymus ar klientųinformaciją.Standard Apskaita yra geriausias Jūsų pasirinkimas, nesmes nuolatvystome programą, siekdami užtikrinti, jog mūsų klientainaudojasipažangiausiais produktais ir technologijomis NemokamimoduliaiPirkimų knyga: sekite pirkimo faktūrų būklę bei atlikitemokėjimus.Pardavimų knyga: išrašykite faktūras ir registruokiteįplaukas.Sekite pirkėjų skolas ir pradelstus mokėjimus. Didžiojiknyga:kurkite didžiosios knygos operacijas. NaudokiteintegruotasBalanso, Bandomojo Balanso, Pelno-Nuostolio bei PVMataskaitas.Premium funkcionalumai: Automatinė apskaita CRMPasiūlymaiPardavimų užsakymai Sandėlis i.MAS (i.SAF, i.VAZ)KainoraščiSąskaitų suderinimas Prekybos vieta (POS) Ir dar daugiau…Mokymaiir pagalba Nemokamos video pamokos, išsamios vartotojoinstrukcijosir bendruomenės forumas. Apie HansaWorld HansaWorld yrapirmaujantiprograminės įrangos kūrėja, tiekianti visiškaiintegruotussprendimus, sujungiančus įmonės išteklių valdymą (ERP)ir ryšių suklientais valdymą (CRM) į vieną lanksčą sistemą,atitinkančąšiandieninio verslo poreikius.
Standard CRM – Upravljanje odn 8.5.2044
HansaWorld Inc.
A powerful tool that will help transform the communication in alongterm relationship.
Standard Books - LAT 8.4.2011
HansaWorld Inc.
Standard Books - free invoicing